
Helping Entrepreneurs Survive, Thrive, Grow and Exit

To be successful, every business needs to understand it’s financial position and have a robust plan for the future. VFD Pro Advisors use the VFD pro software to automate the extraction, analysis if financial data to create meaningful financial and management insights.  

The Early Warning System for your business survival

Picture a holistic view of all business risks, an integratiion information and data from all levels of the business through an interactive, cloud based technology solution enabling real time risk management.

Understand and Improve your Credit Rating

UNlock the full potential of your business, Improve your credit rating in asa little as 2 days.

Guarantee the best Possible Deal for Business Utilities

It’s a scary prospect for business owners, but gas and electricity contract renewal costs are going to increase significantly. If you would like to ensure your client is getting a competitive deal speak to the Utilitrack team.

Credit Control: Check It, Chase It, Collect It - Done for You

Dedicated and experienced staff will ensure your invoices are sent and paid in a timely manner.

Loan Application to Cash in Bank in as little as 18 Minutes

For Business Finance you want to partner with someone who, knowing the full market, can match you with the best provider for your circumstances.

Improve Satisfaction, Retention, Cross Sales & Referrals

Fully understanding the causes of dissatisfaction and customers wants and needs, is critical to improving Satisfaction, reducing Attrition, Selling More to existing customers and generating more referrals – and it can’t be achieved with a simply ‘email or online satisfaction survey’…